The Golden Beard Butter Contest
Posted on October 19 2021

It took us such a long time to get 9 oz Deepwell Beard Butters on the shelves (a pandemic will push back the wants in favor of the needs, won't it?), but at long last it's here.
To celebrate its launch, we put together something rather special. A Golden Butter, and if you find it you win an OBSCENELY sized butter.

Yes indeed, we have topped one of our new 9 oz Deepwell Beard Butters with gold leaf, and hidden it in the massive first batch of butters to come out of the mixer. We don't even know which box it's in at this point
That means none of us know if it will be purchased from us or from our sibling shop Beardsgaard Barbers, from the shelves or online*.
If you find the Golden Butter, first, do a little dance, then take a photo of you and the butter, send it and your mailing address to, and we shall whip up your giant butter (30 ounces of it in a swing top jar) fresh to order!

*We will be keeping a separate stock of butters for our external wholesale clients, so you can be sure the Golden Butter will come from the Beardsgaard family of shops.
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