The Apothecary Holiday Gift Guides for 2021
Posted on December 05 2021

After the last couple of years, we have had to think harder about how we divide our holiday gift guides.
For Him and For Her? Not exactly out style, because who doesn't love bushcraft and stained glass and their nonbinary fam? By interest? Our selection blurs those lines to the point we couldn't begin to sort them that way. By age group? We have some lovely gifts to help burnt out parents keep their kids occupied, but we're primarily targeted at all full sized humans.
In this day and age, we feel the population is more divided by what they turn to when times are weird. Are they ever-practical but have good taste? Or are they so whimsical they may float away on a nice breeze, but also have good taste?
And there you have our two gift guides this holiday season.

The 2021 Holiday Gift Guides for "The Practical" and "The Whimsical, plus a bonus guide of stocking stuffers, where everything is small, nothing is over $20, there's no glass or anything otherwise breakable/spillable or susceptible to damage. One must be pragmatic when shoving a bunch of goodies in a foot-shaped sack.
Now go forth, and make the twilight of the year merry and bright!
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