The Faces of Beardsgaard • Magewick
Posted on July 18 2018

Every Apothecary product is a location on our map of the Realm. The Faces of Beardsgaard series takes you inside the stories of this fantasy Realm we lay over the real world.
From our summertime shave line, we bring you Magewick, set like an island jewel in the Gilded Sea of Asgard, where Gods and Elementals dwell.
Read all about the lore of the Isle of Magewick on the Beardsgaard World Anvil, and scroll on to see the elemental mage academy island in the Gilded Sea, and Narwain Newfyre and Tintril Brightspark come to life.
At the bottom of the page you will find the magic potions that summon this place and its scents at will. Of course, if you wish to join us on adventures through the Realm of Beardsgaard, tune into our in-Realm D&D games on the Beardsgaard YouTube channel.

COSTUMING: This shoot we went less for "costumes" and more for some base layers, swaths of fabric, a few embellishments and safety pins. Which we forgot at the shop and had to buy duplicates of at a fabric store along the way. As Tim Gunn says, "Make it work!"
MODELS: Friends of Beardsgaard Janna Kindred & Marine Elodie
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