Meet the Cast

Growing up on Tolkien and The Last Unicorn, Beardsgaard and River Peak Apothecary were the inevitable result. Especially when one of the founders is a barber, nature lover and research fanatic. Natalie's is the obsessive brain that creates the from-scratch formulas, handcrafts every product in the River Peak Apothecary line, writes the mythology, crafts the Dungeons & Dragons adventures with partner Tyler, and flails about in the Adobe Creative Suite to fill in all the little corners of the Realm, from photography to composite art.

Tyler is the barber husband of Blademaiden, at the chair full time at Beardsgaard Barbers. Being a grooming product junkie, he has always been an enthusiastic tester of products in development, and helps around the edges of this place in a million little ways, as Blademaiden does at Beardsgaard. Married business partner stuff right there. He also is the co-imagineer of the written Mythology of the Realm and Dungeon Master of the in-realm Dungeons & Dragons game we have going on the Beardsgaard YouTube channel.