Deepwell Journal • Ruled Line

Take note and travel through the seasons, wherever you may be with this fantastical ruled line hardcover journal.
This volume is for the the cool seasons. The front cover is a window into Deepwell, the scent of our unscented beard goods. Deepwell mine lies deep beneath the kingdom of Nidavellir, the land of the Dwarves in the fantasy Realm of Beardsgaard that River Peak Apothecary inhabits.
From the waterfalls pouring into the depths from above to the deepest recesses of the sprawling tunnels here, this mine holds wonders and treasures, if one can find their way back out again. The back cover is from our Deepwell photo shoot at Starved Rock State Park with that former Shopkeep and barber of Beardsgard with the really good hair.
The entire journal is overlaid with the map of Beardsgaard. The spine of the journal reads: "The Cool Season in the underdark of Deepwell • Nidavellir".