The Mythology of Beardsgaard • VIII...
“For all we care, you could spend your life running nude through the forests and defecating on the flowers.” He chortled, spraying moustache tea into the air.” #deartravelers Let us...
Read More“For all we care, you could spend your life running nude through the forests and defecating on the flowers.” He chortled, spraying moustache tea into the air.” #deartravelers Let us...
Read More“The darkness hastily rearranged itself around him.” #deartravelers Let us tell you a tale. ≈ I ≈ iii. The Firsts In clay mugs, the tea curled steam over the lips and...
Read More“How does one greet a newly formed, if seemingly infinitely powerful creature such as this?” #deartravelers Let us tell you a tale. ≈ I ≈ ii. The Firsts In the early...
Read More“One could not be faulted for assuming that the first to wake in the realm were the Gods of Asgard. But one would be mistaken.” #deartravelers Let us tell you...
Read More“The snow continued to fall. The moon continued to shine. The wind continued to ease itself between the trees, and upon some of its tendrils it he could still hear...
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